Saturday, April 23, 2011



Every parent and grandparent wants to teach their progeny the secrets of life and how to survive all difficulties. Usually the child is not listening.

I, Christie, had a dramatic event this past January, 2011. You may remember I lost over 5 pints of blood from a bleed in my stomach. The doctor stated that I also had multiple ulcers in my esophagus, stomach, and intestines that could open and bleed out. That means death.

I know that we all can’t live forever and that none of us get out of this life alive – unless, of course, we live long enough to be translated or ascend to Christ when He returns. Those lucky enough to be alive during the start of the Millennium will have all the advantages that we NOW on earth would like; To wit, no pain, no sickness, seeing many generations of our children’s children who live long and visit often, and no death.

My patriarchal blessing has only a few instructions. Do your genealogy, instruct others to do theirs, be a good wife and help your husband in many areas, and to teach anything I choose.

#1 I have been doing genealogy since I was 14 years old. A Spanish teacher in High-school required we bring to class a pedigree chart of our family and grandparents. My great-grandfather on my mother’s side was very interested in his Family tree and searched for information. He only saved names and some birthdates.

Therefore, I have had to search census records, films, and visits to libraries to find the “where born and when and where died”. Often the spouse is named only with a first name and finding her maiden name is a real search of records. [In case you didn’t know, the woman is always listed with her birth name – maiden name- to keep her named in her father and mothers family.] To go backwards in time for women, you need to know who her father was.

Part Two of this letter will have instructions of HOW to do your own genealogy. See I am still teaching… Our prophet has stated that the greatest thing we can do is genealogy, and we can’t get it ALL done before the end of out time comes.

#2 After I came home from the hospital I kept having this feeling that I should re-read my blessing. I had been having impressions that I needed to finish my genealogy – since none of my family seems to be at all interested. I had always wanted to AT LEAST get them back to the water [When they came over to America]. I have not yet made it that far. I wanted your continued input to be easy.

Re-reading my blessing brought me a hard “wake-up call”. Get it done! I had been putting it off and doing other things – not nearly as important as following the prophet.

#3 I knew that I had about 1300 names two years ago that never got sent in to the International Genealogical file within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was about the time that entering the names changed again and I needed to learn the new instructions. Classes were not offered to me, therefore, I had to learn by trial and error. Yes, I’ve made mistakes.

I started again, after the hospital scare and recovery. I was very weak and lost muscle and energy drive -- Lots of atrophy that needed muscle rebuilding from being in bed for about 3 months, before the doctors found the pain problem. At first my muscle hurt all the time, later with exercise they began to come back. I am not as strong as I was before the incident.

#4 I made a promise to myself and God that I would get back to doing my genealogy – before I “bite the bullet and croak”. OK, die.

It is a scary thought. To not be welcomed back to Heavenly Father with the words “Well done thy good and faithful servant, enter in”.
I signed up with to read census reports with indexes of names. I visited the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah and looked at books, films, and other records. Yes, this all takes time. Just Do It!

I learned that the Library storage at Little Cottonwood Canyon Vault has started a NEW program of indexing all the millions of microfilm and microfiche. This information will be released in about 7 years to the public ON-LINE. WOW! What a blessing…and all free. No more paying monthly for Ancestry and other search facilities.

The Church has been filming for over 50 years in all countries. Other organizations have also been indexing their records – i.e., Immigration records, Naturalization and Passenger-shipping records. These are so valuable. I’m looking forward to the indexing of Church records, Cemetery records, and Marriage, Birth and Death records.

#5 I am asking my family to continue to research and enter Family information into the Church’s new program called “”.
It is all on-line. It doesn’t matter what software you are using to gather the information. I have used PAF, RootsMagic4 and other software, like Legacy. There are many other software programs that can be Exported on a Smart-Drive or Disc to the file for inclusion or hand-typed into As new developments are invented the entering will be enhanced and faster. I can’t wait for these new changes.

PLEASE, Please, please do this work for our family!
It is so important. The scriptures inform us of the events at the end of the Millennium and without all of us doing this work, the release of our deceased ancestor will not happen and the battle will be endangered.

Take the time to care. Take the time to research and submit their names.
Malachi tells us in chapter 4: 5-6.
5¶Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:

6And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

We are a righteous family of God and we shall do the work of the Lord.
I am committed to be obedient. I pray that you will follow my lead!
I love ALL of you. You are dear to me and connected to my loving heart.
If I had the power, I would bless all of you with no debt, lovely homes, and obedient, intelligent, beautiful, chaste, righteous children. Perfect joy!
Kazam, Poof….Let it be so!

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