It doesn't matter if you are or were an "A" student or not.
I know that deep within each of you is the POWER to be MAGNIFICENT! You are born from a 'King'. Christ is your older brother, also a King. You will live forever; you have lived before in the pre-existence and will live again after this life. We were sent to earth to gain a body and to overcome obstacles, trials, hardships, and to learn everything we can while here on the earth. We take back with us all education, knowledge, intelligence, family, filling our lives with love, kindness, goodness, and beauty that we obtain while here. The commandment is LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU, in the scriptures. Love is BIG! It means ALL! Even EVERYONE!
All of our ancestors were very religious. They came from many different religions and from many different countries - mostly Germany, Ireland and England. OK, one French, Scottish, Canadian, Netherlands, maybe more places?? They all loved America - land of the FREE!
You come from a family of super individuals. Many inventor's - They didn't just sit around, they read, studied, learned, prayed, and thought of new ways to have "whatever" they needed personally, or they realized that they could sell this item on the open market for money.
Always look for new ways to improve a product or invent one that works for you and can be sold.
Some ancestors were farmers - but not just farmers. They started the market for shipping their produced product across the country. Another had a secret gold mine claim and instead of going for broke and spending it, they used only what they needed for their daily living. Many were pilots, contractors, medical persons, military, writers,poets, attorneys, realtors, artists, musicians -most played the piano and at least one other instrument, one opera singer that I know of (Ilia), some professional dancers, a few magicians, one clairvoyant, all were very hard workers. No slackers in our family. All were beautiful inside and outside. All intelligent!
I know that our family has a high IQ (Intelligent Quotient). Most over 126, 138, and above.
I always wanted to be invited into the MENSA society. I needed an IQ of 136-148 as a child.
Alas, I never had mine tested. My brother was 126 in High School. John was 138 in 2009.
It was once said that Irish heritage brings the laughfter, the light and spirit, the play, the hugging, the stories, and the family closeness to a family - as their origin. They are the artists, the painters, the writers, the singers, the poets, the actors, the story tellers that bring life to LIFE! Without them, life would be dull! The English bring in the seriousness, the sticklers for what is right. They become the lawyers, policemen, the accountants, the intricant house keepers, where everything is in place and all children behave. The Germans are the hard workers, the cooks, the gardeners, the farmers - with animal husbandry, the horticulturists, the agriculturists, the doctors and the scientists.
I have NOT written all of the family histories. I wish I had them all ready for you to read. I think they would give you the confidence, inner-peace, and valiant willingness to succeed at any and everything that you do. Let me tell you, YOU CAN!
I want you to rise above the rest of your friends. I want you to be more intelligent. I want you to work hard--not be a slacker. I want you to always be nice to others, but be careful not to be deceived into lending money or anything else to others. I'm sorry but they just don't return any of it. I have lost my retirement income due to lending money to others for opening a new business, purchase of a computer, home or car repairs, loans they couldn't pay off, child support they owed, IRS owing to prevent garnishment of income, clothes they couldn't buy so they would look good for the job interview, etc. My heart has always been too BIG and I careed TOO much for others. This is my weakness. I am giving you a warning NOW so you will have money that you earn legally to use for your own retirement. After working for 45 years, I have loaned away my retirement, but I'm not stopped. No Way! I am still working.
Learn more and more. Be greater in the eyes of God as you live on the earth at this time period.
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