I was thinking about some of the things that happened to me as a child and how those experiences totally changed my life. I want to say to my g-kids that childhood teaches and points you toward the ideas that your parents have outlined for you. Should you change any of the factors that were suggested for your growing up, before you transport off into the real world -- you may have tugged against the wrong rope. Another resolve is that you had a strong desire to become something totally different than your parents may have designed for you. The latter is OK -- if you have the drive and money to pull it off. Finally, you may have seen the occupation that tugs against your heart strings, whether your parents communicate that idea with you or not. If so, then make a plan, set your goals, and revisit often how you are proceeding.
As you grow from childhood to teenager, your parents have a sense of what you are capable of. Perhaps they didn't drive you hard enough to be a straight "A" student. Perhaps you couldn't care less about school [which I might add is one of the most important places to learn, other than a good library]. Nevertheless, your parents have a clue about your personality, by now.
A good proactive parents will be thinking about what fields they have succeeded within and if your personality would fit in that mold. Sometimes a doctor, lawyer, or scientist may know that you have all the necessity attributes to continue their field or profession. If you feel their work is ultimate to your life, than of course, you will continue to learn their trade- even enlarge it.
For me - I always wanted to be an Architect, like my Dad. He was both an architect and a partner in several Construction companies. I would stand around his drawing board and watch him work. I had to be very quiet, while he thought the plan out. Dad wanted me to be a secretary and accountant. He wanted his children to work for him in his own company. I became what he wanted me to be, without giving it much thought. I always had that nagging unaccomplished tug in my mind that I really wanted to be an Architect. I even offered my kids the idea of architecture. They became excellent at drafting. June started a class and didn't finish. John learned to be a Cad drafting engineer and changed his employment when he moved out of town. John also became a contractor and salesman. Patti drew on things as a child, but became a great cook, home decorator, and a prison security officer, with a gun.
My Mom was trained as a Nurse. She also dibbled in oil painting like her mother, as a hobby. My Mom also did the bookwork for my Dad's business. Mom also was in Multi-level marketing in Amway and other businesses. I love education. It feels good to learn and know. I can answer peoples questions abut many things. In High School, I took all the required classes to graduate. I took many other classes during the summer months. When I started college I took the Nurse college classes that would bring me a Nurse degree. However, I didn't like zoology. I have a very sensitive nose and formaldahyde is not pleasant. I even worked a summer at the hospital - to be sure I liked that style of work. I didn't. Talking to the patients was fun, but I don't like germs and bed-pans are not my idea of a good day. I was very sick as a child and youth with alergies.
Then, I cracked my pinky-finger playing volley-ball in Phys-ed [I couldn't write, type or do short-hand] and dropped out of school. Now, I know that I should have gotten permission to continue later from home, from the school administration, which would have saved my tuition, but I was young and foolish. I began the next semester taking business classes - like my Dad wanted. I wanted to be what was expected of me.
I took speech. My Mom was always having me hold the microphone at her Jaycee-ette and home dinner parties to welcome guests, so I took speech class. I also signed-up for all the business classes required. In the middle of the semester I got married. My husband's mother [who was also a Nurse] was against me having a college degree -- since her boy didn't. They would show up during the time I was studying and interrupted me all evening. I couldn't do my homework. She was very critical of any and everything I did for her boy. They made it impossible for me to attend school; e.g., I got pregnant and had bad morning sickness. OK, you got it, I also didn't take those classes by finishing at home either. I resigned myself to doing what his parents wanted me to do; e.g., take care of "the boy" and my new child. Gee Whiz, where was my resistance? Was I back-bone less? I was always trying to please others. I never thought of myself. Everyone loved me because they always got what they wanted, and of course, they never thought about what I might want. Most people have become self-indulgent. Internally yelling - It is all about me! I wasn't, I was helpful. I think it is inbred into me, somehow.
My girlfriend, Kathleen in high school, and I wanted to take the Architecture classes in High School. The school wasn't offering those classes to girls UNLESS the parents signed permission slips. I talked with my parents and they said no, stay in the regular college preparatory classes. Kathleen got in the special classes and now makes really GOOD MONEY, and lives in a beautiful home, she designed herself. I still sit around and draw house plans. I look for them in the newspaper and I re-design them in a way that I think would work better for Feng Shui and me, of course. I have saved them in my file cabinet. My Dad had templates that he used to design house plans. Bedrooms are an average size for an average house and bigger for a more expensive house. The appliances are average costs for an average home...you get the picture. The more you spend, the bigger and more luxurous a house can be built...to suit the buyer.
I was very good at baseball, voleyball, and field hockey in High School. The golf instructor [who said I had a perfect drive with the clubs] watched me play field hockey and told me they needed me on the city team. Of course, I had to have parental permission. No, I didn't get it. The teacher said, I was the best she had ever seen. I often wondered why the girls in class always ran away when I hit the ball. Center halfback in field hockey is the neatest - because you can run anywhere on the field and whack that ball as hard as you can towards to goal fence. I could run like the wind, then. My parents were both athletic runners in school. My Dad could run faster backwards than anyone could run forwards. He could run upstairs backwards, too.
The morale to this story is that you MUST have a plan when you are a young person. You need to go to the library, in the business area, and read about companies. What pay can you receive, and what are the qualifications to work in that field? If you have parents that have a profession, learn about them. Talk to them about what they do, then listen to your inner-voice and check-out if that would give you the drive to do the same thing. If your parents are in Network Marketing, learn about the process. There is big money to be make with your big efforts! Is this for you, are you self-motivated, do you know a lot of business people, or would you rather be doing something else?
Are you a writer, a clothing designer, a sketch artist, oil painter, a singer, or a musician? What are your hobbies? When you have nothing else to do [besides watch TV, play x-Box or Wii], what do you do? What makes you smile? When you finish a project - what brought you joy? Remember that what ever profession that you choose, you will need to keep learning. In today's world there is the possibility that you will change locations or job titles every 2-7 years. This is not a grounded, secure area for you with any job. Every job has continued education, even if they don't tell you that secret. The "retirement with a watch and pension fund"doesn't exist anymore. It went out with my parents. Life is a bit harder now, but you are tough.
The JOB really means...just over broke. Most people with Just-a-Job are living, pay-check to pay-check. Barely making the house, car, and utility payments. They have to scrape to save. If they don't save they won't retire well, neither will they enjoy the finer things of life.
Robert Kiyosaki states this: There are 4 ways to live. Picture a square cross on the paper. Left-upper, left-lower, then right-upper and right-lower. Each of these fields explains a life style. Left-upper is the J.O.B. You work for someone else. They tell you what to do, when, how, and how much you are worth. Left-lower is the self-employed. The lawyer, Dr., therapist, dentist, real-estate agent, yard work, etc. These people work FOR themselves. If they don't work, they aren't making money. If they are sick or traveling, no money comes in. They usually work long-hours. It is often expensive. Most require college and state licensing.
Then we move to the Upper-right. These people have a business enterprise. They have employed workers (or independent contractors) who work for them. They may do their own finance or bookkeeping or they may hire someone to do that. They just 'over-see' what is going on and can take a vacation, when ever, or how ever -- as long as the employees are working for the assigned J.O.B. Lastly, is the Lower-right. This is the Investor area. They have taken their pay and invested it in high-interest finance. It may have been Real-Estate, high-yield stock, bonds, bills, or security loans. They paid attention to the market and the economy. They may even have hired someone to give them the details they need to make their own decisions. They are their own "person". They are responsible for their own success. They made their money and they have learned how to make their money--make even More Money. This is a dream for most people. It is beyond high-school education. Finance is not taught in High-school.
To get here you must PLAN. If you can see it and believe it, you can do it! The only thing that can grow is the thing that you give energy to. Emerson. It is all up to you. How do you want to live? What are you willing to do to get to where that is? There is always a cost: #1 less TV, newspapers and games. More study, reading, thinking, planning, phone calls and more meetings.
I learned all of this by reading--not watching TV. Of course, I didn't have the information early in life. This is why I am writing to you NOW. Get the info. Change your life-- to have high standards, high integrity, high principles, high spirituality, and be high income producing.
God does not want people in rags. It was the love of money over family or others that is wrong in the scriptures. The more money you earn, honestly, the more you can give to family, church, life structures and be able to live your dreams. And don't forget your g-ma!!
When you first start working, have a plan. As soon as you start earning money, put away $100-$200 per month in savings. As soon as that amount grows, invest it in high-interest Money-Market or Mutual Funds in the 10-15% interest accruing range. As you mature to an adult, increase the amount of money you set aside. Start looking for Real-Estate or other investing areas that will bring you a "Return on Investment". Pay attention! Do the study and the work that gives you the answers. Rely on yourself, or those who are honest that you hire. Talk with your parents and grand-parents about what you are doing. Get their ideas - then make your own decisions. Be willing to walk "the fire"! If you make a mistake, you are to blame, and you have to "Dust yourself off, pick yourself up, and start all over again".
Remember Trump, Robert Allen, Hughes, Bob Proctor, and tons of other investors have failed and started again and won. Eli Whitney failed multiple times before he got the light bulb to work. The secret is to keep moving forward. With goals set, your future dreams and plans on the horizon, Remember, You can do it! You can do it! You can do it! g-ma says You Can Do It!
I love you!
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