I want you each to know that I love you very, very much! Really...You are part of my life that lasts forever.
I have something I want to share with you:
When you are out in the company of others, how you act, reflects on me. You ask, How! That is easy. The family is the most important part of our society. In this world that we live in, we are tagged or known by others, because of our parents, grandparents, siblings, special friends, and ancestry. We tend to be as the saying goes, "birds of a feather flock together". What this means is that when you are with someone, you tend to act as they are acting. Therefore, if they are acting stupid you may be inclined to act that way, as not to offend them. Really, though...you should always be true to yourself and your family. Always, ask yourself --What would your mother think if she was standing beside you, when you are acting out that way? Some parents might say, what would Jesus think? Now, don't he-haw about that remark. It is a truism. What you do, how you act, what you say, your grades in school, where you go, who you hang around, what you do when no one is watching, all of these things reflect on how you were raised and by whom you were raised.
What influence has your grandparents had on you. Did you e-mail, write, or call your grandparents and ask their advise? Then...Whether you listened to their advise or turned off your ears to truth. Have you been around nice people and learned a few nice ideas that your parents, maybe, didn't share that advise? When you see polite, or kind, you should take notice. The rich, of course, know all the rules of a nice society. They send their children to schools for the training - or they have a nanny come in.
My brother dated a girl that went to a private school. She told me that besides lots of study they also trained with manners. My mother sent my brother to "Mrs. Wrights Old Pueblo Social School"...or a name like that. He learned how to open the door for a lady, how to seat a lady first in the car before you walk around to your own door, how to stand when a lady enters his table at a restaurant, how to take your hat off inside and never wear one at the table, how to pay the bell-boy at hotels, how to help a lady on with her coat or off with her coat, how to give a lady your own coat if she gets cold, how to say Thank You and Please, how to be gallant, how to use all the silverware at a fancy dinner, how to eat a pitted fruit, to be very mannerly, and socially acceptable among others. Just how do the rich walk, talk, and socialize? Yes, there are rules!
It appears that the rich businessmen among us still act the polite ways. They should be good examples for the young students in school. Do we want to be thought of as poor, unaccountable, or white trash...No! We must learn the correct behavior, in order for us never to be considered less than children of a KING! You are of royalty. Act with kindness and never slump into depravity. Stay away from people who act stupid, do dangerous things, drag you into anything that gives you a bad feeling, or pushes feeding you illegal, immoral or low-life ideas or consumables. Just say No! Tomorrow when you wake up well, and you find they had died, you will remember what your g-ma was offering to tell you, to protect you, to shower love upon you!
I want only GOOD for you. I want you to grow up feeling life has lots of good opportunities for you to create a wonderful life, full of gifts, full of opportunity, and full of praise and love and even to be wealthy. All of us who believe in Christ, read His words, live His advise, and obey the gospel with marriage in the Holy Temple of the Lord are wealthy!
Remember always that g-ma loves you....this much.......xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo!
A Memory:
I remember being around a friend's family when I was young and that family had salad for dinner, every night. My family didn't fix salad...ever! I tried the salad and I liked it. I decided that when I grew up and had a family that I would serve salad. I did do this. I'm not saying that anyone changed, I just did the best I could with the situations that I was served in life.
This same family, the Peterson's, had a mother that painted her toenails red. She would sit up on the couch/sofa/divan/ and put her feet on the cushion. Unscrew the bottle and carefully paint each toenail - very slowly. I loved to watch her. It seemed like a girl thing. I didn't learn anything like this from my own mother. She didn't paint her toenails. Yes, I feel very girl-like when I paint my toenails! I prefer red polish.
Let me know if you vote for more life stories?
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